
The Sustainable Archaeology Animation Unit (SAAU) is a joint research project graciously funded by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport: Museum and Technology Fund and the MITACS Accelerate Program between Sustainable Archaeology, the Museum of Ontario Archaeology, theskonkworks incorporated and Western University.  SAAU is a culmination of 20 years of applied 3D CGI animation techniques, with current Cultural Resource Management (CRM) needs in the form of virtual reality, artifact scanning, 3D CGI modeling and database development.  Its sole purpose is to design practical 3D CGI protocols as it relates to CRM Archaeology method and theory.

Funded by the Museum of Ontario Archaeology and theskonkworks incorporated, the initial 2012 Spring/Summer Pilot Project is coordinated by Namir Ahmed, M.A. candidate in Applied Archaeology, Supervised by renowned Ontario Archaeologist Dr. Neal Ferris and generously supported by Michael Carter, Ph.D. candidate in Archaeology and founder of theskonkworks incorporated.  It is staffed by a crew of 10 very bright and talented Loyalist College Animation Program interns and a host of undergraduate and graduate students from Western University.

The mission of the SAAU is to design, develop and prototype practical approaches to 3D CGI techniques within archaeological research.

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